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BOR Act 472 Legislative Report – January 2023
BOR Act 472 Legislative Report – January 2023
The Board of Regents submitted an annual report pursuant to Act 472 in January 2024. This response included updates on the Power-Based Violence efforts over the course of 2023, administrative reporting on training and campus incident reports, and legislative recommendations.
Quick Links, Reports
BOR Act 472 Legislative Report – January 2024
BOR Act 472 Legislative Report – January 2024
The Board of Regents submitted an annual report pursuant to Act 472 in January 2024. This response included updates on the Power-Based Violence efforts over the course of 2023, administrative reporting on training and campus incident reports, and legislative recommendations.
Quick Links, Resources
Campus Resources
Campus Resources
Campus support and resources are available to both complainants and respondents.
For help and resources on your campus, please contact your campus’s Title IX Office. Contact information for your campus’s Title IX Office can be found on your institution’s Title IX webpage or here.
Quick Links, Resources
State-Wide Resources
State-Wide Resources
LaFASA (Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault) provides services for survivors and supporters throughout Louisiana. LaFASA offers a comprehensive list of accredited sexual assault centers on their website. To find an accredited sexual assault center in your parish though LaFASA, click here.
For 24/7 help, please call 888-372-8995. LaFASA also provides support via text and online chat. These services can be accessed Monday-Thursday Noon-8:00 PM & Friday-Sunday 4:00 PM-12:00 AM, excluding holidays. Please text 225-351-7233, or visit https://www.lafasa.org/contact to chat.
Quick Links, Resources
National Resources
National Resources
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (“RAINN”) is the largest, nation non-profit dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence. RAINN provides support and resources for survivors of sexual violence. Additionally, RAINN is partnered with over 1000 sexual assault centers nationally. To find a sexual assault center through RAINN, please click here.
RAINN operates the national 24/7 National Sexual Assault Helpline. For 24/7 support, please call 800-656-4673 or visit their website.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
For help from the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, please text or call 988. For more information on the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, please click here.
Jeanne Clery Act
Jeanne Clery Act
The Jeanne Clery Act (“Clery Act”) is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to publish campus crime data, support victims of violence, and provide campus safety policies and procedures to the public. The full text of the Clery Act may be viewed on the Federal Register here.
Each institution is responsible for publishing its Clery Report to its website. To find the Clery Report for your institution please visit the homepage of your institution’s website.
Below you will find resources for survivors, Board of Regents policies, and answers to frequently asked questions. To report an incident of Power-Based Violence or a Title IX violation, please contact the Title IX Coordinator for your institution. Click here to locate the Title IX Coordinator for your institution.
Find Institution Contacts
Use this interactive map to find contact information for your institution’s Title IX Coordinator here in Louisiana. Reports of incidents Power-Based Violence and Title IX violations must be made to the Title IX Coordinator at your institution and cannot be made on this informational website.
Please note that each institution has a campus contact as well as a system contact for Power-Based Violence and Title IX.